Meet Sharon, who came to see me with a shy exterior. Sharon had been dealing with facial hair for the last five years and has decided it was finally time to get rid of it once and for all.
Following the easy fix, waxing, tweezing and shaving, Sharons unwanted hair wasnt going away. In fact it was getting worse only now she had hair that was strong and begining to lose pigment. Those think grey hair were unsightly and she had resorted to shaving everyday.
Sharon reached out to Dianne at Skin Envy Electrolysis and Skincare for a consultation where she was shown results that can be achieved. Sharon is still having maintenance but now her face has reduced hairs she has her confidence back.
Not ashamed to leave the house without wearing a scarf or collar to conseal the embarassment. You can see her incredible results above in the before and after picture.